Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Addison loves crawling under the globe. So much so that sometimes she will crawl through it, turn around crawl through it again etc...etc...
Good job...she got over the raised part of the stand.

And now she has turned herself around and is going to crawl back through it. See what I mean :)

The Lubbers family decided to take a walk to the park today, 4-21-09. As you can see in the park pictures, it was B-E-A-U-TIFUL!
Trying to sit on the steps and starting to get mad at her mom.

Little miss piggy is playing in the jungle gym at the park.

Loui is watching Addison swing! Sit Loui...GOOD BOY!!!

I LOVE this picture!! What a cute smile on my baby's face! This is why we go to the park so often now! I love seeing her smile! Guess who she is looking at in this picture!!! HER MOMMA!!!! Daddy took the picture!
This picture is funny...don't fall out addie!

It is possible that Addison has "white knuckles" while swinging. If you notice, she holds on for dear life!!

In the picture below, Addison is smiling at her daddy!

This picture is to let everyone know that Addie's eyes are still blue!!!

Addison was so tired the other day! I threw her tuni (blankie) on the floor...she crawled to it and layed down!
She is snuggling in to her tuni...thinking she is ready for her nap!

I think this is a really cute picture! Addison is doing an AWESOME job pulling herself up and sitting down, as well! What a cute little toosh!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lots of Pictures and FUN!!!!

Curtis, Me, Jaima, and Tad eating at PF Chang's Saturday night for my birthday :)

Me and my hubby!

My bestfriend, Jaima, and myself!!!

Saturday morning Addison and I went to watch Grant, my nephew, play in a baseball tournament. Their team name is the "Irish" and this is Grant stealing home plate!! He was SAFE!!!

Here is Grant at Third base anticipating to steal home plate (pictured in previous picture)

Addison sitting on her momma's lap at the game!

Grant is playing Center Field

Grant's cute little booty waiting for the pitch

Grant is getting a pep talk from the coach in between pitches! This coach really liked to stop games for pep talks while the kids were up to bat.

Addison is peaking out the door at loui on the deck.

I had to close the door so addie wouldn't go outside. As you can see, they both longed for each other to be in the same room again :)

Stare down.

Addie had just woke up from nap and this is how I found her.

Addie in her crib

Loui watching me mop! He was really tired.

Addison has crazy hair...especially when the wind is not in her favor!!!



She loves the swing!!

Loui decided to chill out in the basket of the stroller!!!

Addison is playing with her new easter bunny. His name is patches!!!

Kellen came over the other day and had lots of fun playing with Addison and Loui!

Addison is playing on the floor in her bedroom with her daddy!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Addison's 1st Easter

Family Picture on Easter 2009

Addison in her Easter Dress

Addison just taking it all in.

Addison playing Easter morning!

Mommy and Addison on Easter Sunday at Great Grandma and Grandpa Whitney's house.

Addison trying to go up the stairs like her cousin cecelia is doing.

Addie playing with the eggs on the stairs at Grandma and Grandpa Lubbers house.

Addison and Cecelia Easter Evening. Addie started crying and Cecelia just looked at her, like "what's her problem"

Addison is ready to go home! She is wearing her sunglasses that were in her easter basket at Grandpa and grandma Lubbers.

Easter Sunday 2009 started before the crack of dawn, 5:50 AM to be exact. The Lubbers family attended Easter Mass with Grandpa and Nana McGreevy, as well as; uncle Brendan at 7:30 AM. Once Church was over we continued the day with Brunch at My Aunt Kelli's house with all of my dad's simblings present. I spoke to my aunt later that day and she informed me that 53 members of the McGreevy family were present for Easter Sunday this year! It was great to see everyone there. The only family member missing was my cousin Josh and his wife and daughter who live on the marine base in San Diego. Needless to say we were exhausted after brunch...so Curtis, Addison, Loui and I took a nice long nap that afternoon before continuing on to Great Grandma and Grandpa Whitney's house for a quick hello and then off to Grandpa and Grandma Lubbers for Easter Dinner. After dinner was finished we began a massive ping pong partners tournament at the Lubbers. My partner was Denny (aka: grandpa lubbers)...and it has to be said....We are the ping pong CHAMPIONS!!!!!! What a great way to end Easter :)

I hope everyone enjoyed their families this year on Easter and God Bless all of you. Love the Lubbers!