Monday, April 20, 2009

Lots of Pictures and FUN!!!!

Curtis, Me, Jaima, and Tad eating at PF Chang's Saturday night for my birthday :)

Me and my hubby!

My bestfriend, Jaima, and myself!!!

Saturday morning Addison and I went to watch Grant, my nephew, play in a baseball tournament. Their team name is the "Irish" and this is Grant stealing home plate!! He was SAFE!!!

Here is Grant at Third base anticipating to steal home plate (pictured in previous picture)

Addison sitting on her momma's lap at the game!

Grant is playing Center Field

Grant's cute little booty waiting for the pitch

Grant is getting a pep talk from the coach in between pitches! This coach really liked to stop games for pep talks while the kids were up to bat.

Addison is peaking out the door at loui on the deck.

I had to close the door so addie wouldn't go outside. As you can see, they both longed for each other to be in the same room again :)

Stare down.

Addie had just woke up from nap and this is how I found her.

Addie in her crib

Loui watching me mop! He was really tired.

Addison has crazy hair...especially when the wind is not in her favor!!!



She loves the swing!!

Loui decided to chill out in the basket of the stroller!!!

Addison is playing with her new easter bunny. His name is patches!!!

Kellen came over the other day and had lots of fun playing with Addison and Loui!

Addison is playing on the floor in her bedroom with her daddy!!!

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