Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Addie on the way home from the pumpkin patch with her baby pumpkin.
(Sorry this posted first...the rest of the blog goes in order!!)

It didn't take long for Addie to find a pumpkin she liked!!

So being the independent girl she is...she tried picking it up herself!

Well...that didn't work so then she tried rolling it.

Ok..she just decided it was best to guard it until mom or dad could help her take it home.

After all that hard work what does any girl do...they go dancing!!! She heard some music playing and broke it down for us in the lawn. Grandma Lubbers is clapping her on!

Grandpa Lubbers found a snake...addison wanted nothing to do with it...look closely and you will see she's not even looking at the snake.

The snake. I still can't believe he just reached down and picked it up....YIKES!!

Grandpa with Addie on the Hayrack ride.

I tried telling addie it wasn't a good idea to let the men lead us through the corn maze, but she decided we could trust Grandpa. 5 hours later we found our way out....haha...just was more like 5 minutes. It was pretty small.

Our sweet little family waiting to head back to the patches. It was a WINDY Kansas day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meg, Me and Grandpa just really love your family blog. We especially love the music you have picked out, it is so-o-o beautiful and meaningful. Love it--Love it.
Love you all, Grandma